On Sabbatical in South Australia

Bev Launching An Eagle

 Hello Fellow Stitchers,

I ‘m visiting Kangaroo Island, South Australia,

The island is a dedicated wild life sanctuary and a place of natural beauty. kangaroo-island

Many stitchers know me for my bird designs. The Blue Wrens, is a great favorite  followed closely by An Early Morning Call, featuring two kookaburras sitting on a branch.

Perhaps I have foundbev-and-the-kooka in this beautiful eagle, my next inspiration.

It was a great experience to welcome an old friend in this very friendly kooka.

Happy Stitching!kangaroo

What a Pretty Possum!

Leanne's Possum
Australian Possum by Leanne

Congratulations to Leanne of my Wednesday evening class. Here is the first embroidered square for her quilt she has planned featuring Australian Wild Life.

Stitching of such high quality it takes one’s breath away. I am so happy that I can show everyone this exceptionally fine needlework.

Leanne’s next square, an Australian Wombat, is currently a work in progress and. the detail and precision of the stitching displayed of this Possum continues. Stay tuned.

Well Done Leanne!

Golden Star
Gold Star